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Why should I add my high school friends that I haven't seen in years to my Facebook page? - Printable Version

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Why should I add my high school friends that I haven't seen in years to my Facebook page? - wilson - 04-08-2014 04:19 AM

Since I left high school I haven't seen these people. We haven't stayed friends. I never went to any high school reunions or anything.

So now I'm getting Facebook invites from them.

Why should I add them?

- Claire - 04-08-2014 04:26 AM

Well that is a question we all ask ourselves before friending someone on Facebook, Do I really know this person? I think it depends on If you want to reconnect with these people, are they people you want to get to know again, or people you would rather forget about, Facebook can help you re-unite with these people, but only if you want to. So decide, become friends with them again, or (its kind of mean, but the truth), I didn't really ever like you, and don't want to get to know you again.
Hope this helped Smile

- de_doughboy - 04-08-2014 04:28 AM

Facebook is about communicating. Granted there are some nerds from high school that i could care less about. I recently join my high-school reunion page and discovered all that I was missing. I discovered that I had more friends than I remembered. some now even write me every day. Your missing out if you limit your options. Besides if they are twerps then just unfriendly them. GO FOR IT.

- Ted Pack - 04-08-2014 04:29 AM

To satisfy their curiosity about you, and yours about them. If you don't care and aren't curious, don't do it. Facebook's business plan is to have everyone in the world use it 24 hours a day, so that the 0.001% of the people who click on an advertisement will be gazillions of people.

To help that plan, they make it really, really easy to add friends. Chances are you told FB your school and year, and they suggested you to everyone else in your class who told FB their school and year.

- Angeleyes - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

There's no need to add them if you haven't stayed friends with them.
They're probably curious about your life or else want to build up their friends.