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Photography Facebook Page ? - Printable Version

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Photography Facebook Page ? - Clare - 10-15-2012 08:24 PM

I'm thinking to set up a facebook page for photography. Many people compliment me on my 'natural' skill' and 'eye' for photography. I have rather a lot of photos, some obviously better than others. I've seen loads of photography pages on facebook which have to be honest crap photos which are out of focus. Just wondering if it's worth it ? would people even bother to view my page and maybe buy my photos ?

- Rick - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

I think Facebook tends to be for people that need an ego boost. Do not let Facebook be the source for critique of your work. Facebook opinions are like your mother's opinion, not objective and honest nor likely knowledgable. If you want to be a photographer, Facebook is not the way to go about becoming one. You need to learn about photography and preferably be an assistant for a few years. If you are a professional and wish to have a page for business I think it's a good idea.

- Forlorn Hope - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

set up an account on flickr, then you will get comments that aren't from "friends and family"...

only people you know would visit your facebook page...

and the question is, WOULD YOU BUY YOUR PHOTOS???

- CiaoChao - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

Social media, such as facebook, blogspot, and twitter, amongst many other choices can serve a purpose to supplement the arsenal of marketing tools available to a working photographer. However these social networking tools cannot be the sole marketing approach of a business, and you will need to take a more conventional approach to marketing.

If you are not interested in marketing a business, then you needn't get a facebook page.