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What was it that I felt? Did he feel it too? 10 points for best answer? - Printable Version

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What was it that I felt? Did he feel it too? 10 points for best answer? - anon - 10-15-2012 08:24 PM

So I was on holiday in Spain and I met this guy in the pub that me and my friend went to there, he was the entertainer/waiter/barman. The first time he came to our table I got this weird feeling it was like I had met him before..

So we spoke to him and joked around with him etc and then that night when we went in I couldn't stop thinking about him, the next night we were in the bar again, it got late and there was a moment when I was sitting down and he was standing at the other end of the pub facing towards me, I looked into his eyes and it was like I was locked on to them, we just kept eye contact for a long time and it was like everything around me disappeared and all I could see was him,my heart was pounding and it was like we were communicating with this stare... Later on in the night when the pub was pretty much empty I was talking to my friend and said "this beer isn't as nice as I remember it" he was quite far away from me but he heard what I said and smiled at me then said "I'll get ya a slice of lime for it" he must have been listening to me even though he was nowhere near me and I wasn't speaking loud. As he walked past me he put his hand on my back even though there was plenty of space for him to get past then when he handed me the lime I could see from the corner of my eye that he was looking at me but I didn't want to get lost in his eyes again so I tried to look away, later that evening he was talking to some of his friends across the other side of the bar and he was staring at me as he was talking to them, even as he was speaking to them he didn't take his eyes off me... Even my friends noticed it

Also that evening we went in to the bar and as I walked in he started flipping a glass in the air like he was trying to show off then when I looked at him he dropped it and looked so embarrassed it was like he was angry about failing.

It was pretty much the same with the looks for the last few days of the holiday and then when I got home he added me on Facebook ( he must have found me after I joined the page for the pub) but he hasn't spoken to me since, it's been 3 months since I got bAck from the holiday and I can't stop thinking about him, I think about him every day and every night before I go to sleep!

None of my friends thought he was attractive but it's like to me he's perfect, he's the man I could see myself having a future with even though I know nothing about him! Everything about him seemed perfect..

So what was this feeling? Do you think he felt something for me? What should I do now?

10 points for best answer

- Emily - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

maybe summarize it next time Smile

- Cat - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

try talking to him on face book and have some friends talk to him also and then go from there.

- archolman - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

You should have gone for the holiday fling while you had the chance, because I bet that's what he does each season.

- teemacsee - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

Forget about him. If you went back again to the bar in disguise,wig and glasses or something like that and watched you would probably see him doing the same with another tourist. It is his job,his lifestyle and your were a ship that passed in the night.
Looked to the future.

- stanley - 10-15-2012 08:32 PM

Hi Anon, this guy is used to staring at girls, he works in a pub, and he sees lots of girls that come on holiday near the area where his pub is. So he is very adept at pulling girls. He knows just how to act, and he knows just what to say, and he knows just what to do. I don't think he felt something for you, unless he felt that he might get sex with you. But you get back off your holiday, and for three months, he hasn't contacted you. That's because he's probably staring at another girl. You have to remember that this guy makes his living in this pub, and as such he comes into contact with lots of girls, especially girls that are on holiday. And it seems to me that the first thing he does when he's after a girl, is to stare at them long and hard. That doesn't mean he likes these girls, it just means if he's lucky he might get sex with one of them. I don't know what feeling you had, but believe me it's wasted on him. For by now he's probably forgotten all about you. If he really felt something for you, then he would have got in touch. But he hasn't, so that must mean something to you. I expect everything about him did seem perfect, but he's used to playing that role. He can do it without even looking. If you really think that you should do something, then you should get in touch with him on Facebook. I don't know if he will answer or not. But even if he does, you cant be sure that he's not he's trying to get another girl. For no matter what he says, really it's only him pushing buttons. You really can't believe everything he says. But to be realistic, if he hasn't been in touch for three months, then I think your best bet is to look for another guy. Someone you can actually be near, and someone that can help you enjoy your life. You don't need to love him, you just need to have some fun. At least you will be able to talk to him face-to-face. And that's much better than pushing buttons.
I wish you happiness