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How do I get faster internet speed? - Printable Version

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How do I get faster internet speed? - Ameer - 04-08-2014 04:22 AM

I have 25 ping and it seems like its not enough. Please don't reply by saying thats enough ping.

- fattoothbrush646 - 04-08-2014 04:28 AM

Ask your ISP for a faster speed.

- Steve - 04-08-2014 04:29 AM


- Terry the Klown - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

Do you realize how much 25 ping is? That's 25 milliseconds, just 1/40th of a second. You wouldn't even notice if your ping went from 25 to 0, it's such a short period of time you're probably not even capable of noticing it.

Anyway to answer your question - ping is mostly limited by the physical distance between your computer and whatever internet location you're trying to access. So unless you can some how change the speed of light (which you can't), or configure a faster path through to whatever it is you're trying to access (which you can't), you're not gonna get faster ping.

I suspect what you mean is that you want faster download speeds. Aside from upgrading to a better internet plan through your ISP, there's not much you can do as your download speed will be affected by your physical location as well as the amount of traffic running through the exchange in your area.
However it's possible that your speeds may be limited by your router. If you have a old/cheap router, then it may be bottlenecking your download speeds so buying a new router is an option worth trying if you're desperate.

- Amy Lynn - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

Either a better router or a better ISP service. Also, being close to your router, or not using the router and connecting direct through an ethernet cable may gain a little speed also.

- user997 - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

You have to pay for it. Contact your Internet Service Provider.

- rowlfe - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

OK, so there is a way to measure the speed using a utility program you have with windoze, trace route. Open a command window. Ping is useless for measuring the speeds between nodes, which trace route does. Obviously YOU do not understand what ping MEANS. At the prompt, enter the following:


This will display times for each hop between you and Microsoft. Put in the domain you want to test instead of as I used for this example. You will see up to 30 hops. All but #1 (to your ISP) is beyond your control. ANY link between you and where-ever dot com could be a bottleneck. The only link you can affect is the one to your ISP. So if you want faster, contact your ISP and arrange for a faster connection, but still, nothing else will be affected beyond hop #1 to your ISP.