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Website visits dropped to zero? - Printable Version

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Website visits dropped to zero? - Lee - 04-08-2014 04:23 AM

Hi all,

I am in no way shape or form an expert when it comes to SEO but i have dabbled for a while but this one has me flummoxed.!

My site went from 200+ visits a day to zero in the space of a few weeks & I have no idea why. Google webmaster tools states no issues, content is good, webpage speed is good (98%) loading time is good.

The only change i can think of is i added a CDN based in the US & as i am based in the UK, could this be it?

Other than that, i have no idea.

Any help would be gratefully received.
Hi Falsi

- falsi fiable - 04-08-2014 04:26 AM

Ask yourself why someone should visit your website. What useful or interesting information or products do you have that folks cannot find elsewhere?

- Sneha - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

This is all because of the the recent Google updates. You or your competitor might have did some negative SEO to your website. Google just slapped your website.

To get your visitors again just remove bad quality backlinks. You will start gaining the traffic again.

- G-Man - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

Personally, I think the address stinks. Needs to be simple and without all the - in the address. A very helpful site I use is called
Go there and read and study. Just sending an email to you at would make me move on.

- PhiPUD - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

You should check the implementation of the CDN and minify code. It doesn't appear that you are firing the Google analytics code (get Google Analytics Debugger extension for Chrome). It probably took a couple days for the cdn and dns changes to take effect which is why the traffic dropped over a couple of days instead of instantly.

- Michael - 04-08-2014 04:51 AM

Did this happen after the google updates?

The number one factor that websites dropped off like yours after the updates is anchor text on backlinks.

I would definitely check that with the free tool from ahrefs.

I can check it for you just email me your URL.


Sorry just checked it. If your targeting the keywords business broadband or telephony solutions. Thats definitely what it is. You need to diversify your anchor text and make it google friendly.

- Venugopal - 04-08-2014 04:55 AM

go and check in Google Analytics from which date to which date, you are having less number of visitors. and go and check in Google Webmaster Tools also. is there any message coming to webmaster tools regarding like spammed backlinks . upto now u have 108 backlinks and is there any backlinks are from spammed website.