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What are some inexpensive yet effective ways to market a business? - Printable Version

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What are some inexpensive yet effective ways to market a business? - RachS2002 - 04-08-2014 04:25 AM

I work for a Heating & Air Conditioning Company in a fairly small town. They've been in business for over 10 years and have established a client base and are already successful, they're just looking to tweak it a little bit more. They have ads on Search Engines & they're in the phone book. I was thinking about getting more involved with the community...maybe by hosting a Food Drive or becoming a member at the Chamber Of Commerce, or maybe passing out pens & business cards at local events. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them! Thank you!

- Pdxfixtures - 04-08-2014 04:31 AM

Anything you can do to get your name out there further is a good thing. A Food Drive is a great idea. Remember to send a press release to any local news contacts you have about it or send a postcard to current or former customers about it. Commission people who have already used you to talk you up a bit - ask them to write testimonials that you can include in an written materials or put signs in their yards for a short period of time advertising your business. Anything people can use that has your name on it is a good thing to give away. Business cards get lost, but a good pen, a notepad, a small toy for potential customers with children will last awhile longer.
Think about different kinds of advertising. Here in Portland, there are some second-run movie theaters who offer ad space on their screens before movies begin. The ads play to a captive audience awaiting the beginning of a movie. Thing about signage on popular streets near your locations or fliers placed at other businesses in the area. You could team up with another local business who offers home services and create a package deal.
I hope this helps! Good luck!