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He does like me, why else does he act like this?!? - Printable Version

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He does like me, why else does he act like this?!? - SiennaSupermodel - 04-08-2014 04:26 AM

He MUST like me, the guy I really have strong feelings for in one of my classes.
We have known each other for over a year now, heres what he does:
*always says hello and says how are you
*stares, smiles
*we were talking with our friends and he faces me with his feet pointed towards me
*laughs around me when I talk to him
*he walked me to class when I wasn't feeling well
*when we were on facebook he sent me a message with x at the end
*told my friends he thinks I am mysterious

SO what do you think, why else does he do all this stuff!? I want to tell him how I feel, would it be ok?!

Update 1: BUT theres a tiny problem......this other girl he met interstate who he is in this casual long distance kinda thing with, he said to his friends they aren't serious.... Sad

- bucktickle - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

Yeah, don't worry about the other girl. Totally ok for you to get in there, he obviously likes you,

- me - 04-08-2014 04:41 AM

Look, he ovs likes you! Just be nice to him and dont worry about the other chick