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How to enable google adsense in 2013? - Printable Version

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How to enable google adsense in 2013? - Sadnan - 04-08-2014 04:26 AM

How to enable google adsense in 2013?I am a new blogger.I write about helpful tips.Now i have some traffic.How to enable google adsense for blogger in 2013?

- Den - 04-08-2014 04:29 AM

You will need to apply for google adsense account first.

- john - 04-08-2014 04:39 AM

As a webmaster enrolled in the Google AdSense program, you receive ... For this reason, Google forbids all forms of click fraud such as encouraging others to click ... Google AdSense: Disabled Account FAQ ... 1999-2013 Demand Media, Inc.

- Happy - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

There are lot of changes going now and then in the policies and TOC’s of Adsense program and it is becoming harder and harder to get an Adsense account approved in the first go. Even I had to wait almost 4 years and 5 rejections from Adsense team before I actually ended up in getting one.ow article to get an idea on the checklist before you apply for an Adsense account.
Checklist before you apply for Adsense:

1-Active blog or website with a domain name. (Preferably .com and 6 months old in case of Indian and Chinese publishers)
2-Good traffic from various sources at least 1000 unique page views (Majority should be from search engines)
3- You should be 18 years old.
4- You should have more than 50 quality articles (articles should contain more than 800+ words and no harmful content)
5- No Copyrighted Stuff (Avoid posting download links of movies, software’s, eBooks etc)
6- Clean and good design with easy to navigate links. (User friendly)
7- Do not use other network ads till you get an approval from Adsense.
8- Check that your site complies with their policies and Terms and Conditions. Also consider reading a beginner’s guide on Adsense Policies before you apply.

If your blog or website satisfies the above conditions then without looking back or wasting a minute go for applying one.