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How to start an online baking store type thing? - Printable Version

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How to start an online baking store type thing? - Kayy - 04-08-2014 04:27 AM

I was talking to my mom and mentioned that I need to start making money. Well I love to bake, and she suggested that I bake stuff, and sell it. I am home schooled, so it's not like I can sell to students. She said a website, but don't you have to pay for websites? I don't have money to pay for that, so how would I advertise my stuff?

- revsuzanne - 04-08-2014 04:31 AM

Yes, but websites are not that tough to do these days... some you just pay for the hosting and they have online building tools that write all the code. You might be looking at $25 a month for that. Given that it will bring in business, it is just part of the cost of doing business.
You might start with a small ad in subdivision newsletters in your area.
You could also do half page flyers and put them in boutiques, beauty shops and the like with permission from the owners. Bridal shops would be a good target.
Business cards will also do... order them from VistaPrint for like $5... put a photo of your baking on the front. Get a rubber stamp made with a discount coupon you can stamp on the backs.

Something you might consider... gluten-free breads and cakes. There are a number of wheat flour substitutes, like Paula's flour and the like. Stick with simple recipes and it will good.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 04:34 AM

It's possible to crate a simple store site on a free host like Google's and accept payment through Paypal.

There are marketplace sites and ecommerce site hosts that have most of the logistics ready made, simplifying the setup of a catalog and shopping cart. Some estore hosts offer a mini account allowing only a small inventory for free to get you started.

Selling food can be more complicated, many states don't allow the sale of food prepared in an an uncertified kitchen.

The liability possibilities from someone claiming to have been poisoned can be scary, any real food business would have insurance in place to cover such possibilities, worst case, very unlikely possibility, your parents bank account or house could be put at risk.

You might get your feet wet by offering some hand crafted goods on they charge 20 cents per item listed plus 6% of any sales, they welcome kids but require someone over 18 to signup on your behalf.

- Shirley - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

Open an instagram acct add people from your location so you canhave them shipped. Take photos of your creation and voila.Smile