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I need help approaching my crush? - Printable Version

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I need help approaching my crush? - Hey Everyone - 04-08-2014 04:29 AM

I'm 15 and a freshman in high school. I recently started liking this girl in my math class even though I've never talked to her. I want to ask her for her number or something like that so I can get to know her but I'm really scared to go up to her. I think I'm a pretty attractive guy but I'm just not confident, I feel as if I'm gonna get rejected and even though I know that's not a big deal it just scares me. I know people are gonna say things such as "just do it" but please try to give me actual advice. I love playing soccer and I know she plays soccer too because I saw her practicing with the girls team while I was at practice so maybe that could be something to talk about. What I'm asking for is just tips or ideas as to how I can approach her and ask for her number without just walking right up to her and doing it. I don't really sit by her in math and that's the only time of the day when I see her. Any advice? Thanks in advance guys.

- Halle - 04-08-2014 04:33 AM

You could always walk up to her after class and strike up a convo. You could act like you're not 100% sure of who she is or that she plays soccer. "You play soccer right?" And etc you can ask how long she's played, etc. You could always add her on social media. There's multiple ways and if she rejects you than you'll be ok. Trust me Smile

- kelliann - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

Hopefully y'all have homework in math and what I think would be a good idea is to maybe ask for help or if she is struggling with it help her. Build a friendship before diving for her #.