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what are your thoughts on my opinion on Evan Bourne WWE? - Printable Version

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what are your thoughts on my opinion on Evan Bourne WWE? - Richard - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

NOTE: I am deeply sorry if this is to long, just skim it if you have to. I have no intention of offending

Evan Bourne is unpretentious, ammicable, versatile in the ring and the sky is NOT the limit for his potential. When you get your wrestling license at age 17 like he has that is when you can judge him harshly. When you have more experience than he does, prove me wrong but right now I'd sell my balls over the fact that Matthew Joseph Korklan is an in ring general and a superstar.

Evan Bourne, CM Punk, The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Morrison, Ziggler, Bryan and Sheamus are the new generation. when Evan wins the world championship{ if he ever does, hey Rey Mysterio did it} then you are one of the first haters of my favorite wrestler I will laugh in the face of, not to be a dick but just because you underestimated a talented-tenured-hard working person with amazing abilities just because you may see him as a jobber.

the fact that wwe only markets him as a cruiserweight when he's a jack of all trades in ring technician is completely and utterly a ton of shitty blasphemy. The fact that they cut him down from over 150 moves to 90 moves in the ring and just casted him aside as a low midcarder for 3 years is fucking bullshit exscuse my french.

Find him on twitter at Findevan, tell him your opinion he'll brush it off politely because since he was a child people made fun of him for being small, people made fun of him for being not as tall as everyone else. People questioned his future and he's Proved them wrong time and time again. WWE lets him do the shooting star press{ which was banned once for a reason}. The roster has nothing negative to say about him for a reason.

Matt/Evan is a former highschool wrestler, he has a clean resume, a positive attitude and a TON of fans just waiting for WWE itself to give him his chance. He's been with WWE for 3-4 years and he LOVES it but US, the fans want to see him achieve what we know that he can achieve. These are all facts, in fact I'll lay some more on ya.

You can have your opinion, Evan/Matt has over 150 moves in his arsenal{ I have proof Big Grin}, he's done pretty well on the microphone{ again lots more proof that I have using youtube vids}. He has a degree in business and marketing so he is a great public speaker but not a great promo cutter.

Evan Bourne has been perfect in the ring since he was just a teenager. He may not have the biggest best career in the past decade but he is a part of the decade. He is a big star and his matches in MSG, at wrestlemania, as Tag team champ have proven that.

let me hit you with some stone hard facts about Matt here-
held a cruiserweight championship for 365 days on the indies in his mid 20s.
Proved all doubters wrong when he won the OVW world championship
he's been booked to beat Jericho more than 2 times and it was Jericho who got that booked{ look it up.} If the likes of Jericho, Triple H, John Cena, The Miz, all his co-workers view him as one of the best then you have zero percent of a choice to deny the impossible.
Evan Bourne proved he wasn't filler at his PPV match at Vengeance, he proved he was greatness at MITB and Fatal fourway in 2010-2011. John Cena the FACE of WWE LIKES EVAN and THINKS HE IS TALENTED.
Bourne may not have the mic skills but did Rey Mysterio? Did Jeff Hardy?
Bourne may not have the charisma but did great Khali{yes he was world champ}. Did hornswoggle have the skills to hold the cruiserweight belt?

- punyshape250 - 10-15-2012 08:35 PM

mysterio is ok on the mic and so is jeff
maybe his charisma and promos put him down and in all fairness kofi kingston (no offense) is crap on the mic aswell

- Foolish782 - 10-15-2012 08:35 PM

That he is holding Kofi Kingston down