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What is media networking? - Printable Version

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What is media networking? - ZZG - 04-08-2014 04:32 AM

What is media networking? Effect of it on indian youth?
Is there a difference between social media networking and media networking?
I am suppose to give a speech tomorrow on 'media networking".

- Alexander - 04-08-2014 04:34 AM

I went to a friends party and she had Facebook open...I don't know, I just felt soo bad that people would post stuff like that...And what is worse is that the earth is dying, the place that you and me and everyone lives on...why are people so cruel? We are selfish and take nature for granted, we indulge in golden cars and diamond watches and there are poor people left to suffer bacause they barely have enough water and food to live on...Restaurants throw all the left over food away, why don't we give it to the starving people? Why are we so selfish? The ice caps are melting, the creatures of earth are dying but we don't care.. We know it is happening but we don't care...WHY? Why do people do this, it's beyond my logic. We live on this earth and we share it with the creatures that live on it too, we are all equal and deserve equal treatment.
I want to make a difference with these words...
And please help to spread the word...please...