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Should i keep or delete this on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Should i keep or delete this on Facebook? - khgkiug - 10-15-2012 08:27 PM

its one of those stupid chain letters.
should i delete this from messages i posted? I'm worried someone will stalk me and hunt me down

Read this message, or you will die on the day of your next birthday! (SEBTASTIK1234 is the real founder) SEBTASTIK1234 was the hacker who invented Facebook. But Mark Zuckerberg shot him to death for possession of premises due to qu To......
.................. and became rich.
Now his soul is haunting all pages and Facebook profiles (including your own!).
If you're reading you are lucky and you can escape the curse of SEBTASTIK1234: copy and paste this message to at least 15 different links and comments SEBTASTIK1234 protect your profile and your family won't die.
Here are some examples of people who've done the above steps: Pamela *** laughed and ignored completely the curse, in his 17 years woke up that morning he never + cha *** Luke had also ignored the curse, morìin a traffic accident on the same day when received, i.e. its 14 ª.

- BILL - 10-15-2012 08:35 PM

Delete it and block whoever sent it.

- Madis Otenurm - 10-15-2012 08:35 PM

Of course delete and also report every such post/comment/message as this is just plain annoying.

Also, some stupid kids can't even copy correctly.

- Miss Capri - 10-15-2012 08:35 PM

Delete it, and if you were the one who posted the chain letter, apologizing for the spam should help regain some respect. If you're talking about other people posting the chain letter in response to stuff you wrote, delete them if you can, and block repeat offenders, reporting them for spam.

This thing is, as you said, a stupid chain letter. So, shouldn't have been reposted at all. No one is going to hunt you down and kill you, but reposting this dreck could lose you your FB account if enough people report you for spamming this chain letter. So if you're thinking of reposting it, don't.

Now, read how this chain is smashed here.

For more on chain letters (this should help you learn to not be afraid and to take your power back from those hoaxers who have scared you into replicating their junk)