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Legitimate site to buy website traffic? - Printable Version

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Legitimate site to buy website traffic? - Paddie - 04-08-2014 04:32 AM

I've seen a lot of sites out there that offer to send visitors to your website for a reasonable fee. Unfortunately, the few I have checked out had bad reviews with complaints that only a small percentage of the traffic paid for went to the site or they were using bots to generate the traffic.

Does anyone know of a legitimate place to buy website traffic? Have you had any success with any particular company?


- ? - 04-08-2014 04:34 AM

Why would you want to buy traffic? If all you're getting is hits, who cares? You want actual people who care about what you have to say - you can't "buy" that. Create good content people might actually use and share with others - that's the best way to get exposure. Give it away and promote it in relevant places, and people will come to you naturally if what you have to say is any good. Valuable traffic is earned not purchased.

- Eva - 04-08-2014 04:43 AM

You do not have to buy traffic directly, but you can buy backlinks to improve your SEO. I personally have been using to improve SEO on my sites for quite some time and I cannot really tell you how pleased I have been with their services. My traffic is higher and my sites are converting really well. It is my number one choice when I need to get serious SEO services