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Do Search Engine Ads give you false clicks, charging you money? Can someone Explain this? - Printable Version

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Do Search Engine Ads give you false clicks, charging you money? Can someone Explain this? - Jhghjg - 04-08-2014 04:34 AM

I have ads on for my site, and have several clicks from Australia, and Peru, South Africa. That's fine, except when I go to google analytics for my site, I see those exact clicks from those countries, but the "average visit duration" for them is 0:00, so does that mean they never went to my site? I dont get it. The Average visit duration for america is fine, its like 5 minutes, but these clicks from Bing have 0:00. It seems like Bing is falsely charging me for clicks, I dont know? Are they bots clicking my ads?


- Jake - 04-08-2014 04:37 AM

Some networks will give refunds if you document problem clicks, are you properly using geo targeting?

Second tier ad networks are more prone to click fraud, top level like Adwords, Bing generally have better monitoring minimizing the problem, but if there is a "publisher" network involved there will be at least some site operators trying to cheat the system, again this is a lot more serious a problem on networks like 7Search where you can get 1 cent clicks.

- Samantha - 04-08-2014 04:39 AM

Something is very strange here I may say. I would contact Bing and ask for their explanation. If all clicks from Bing have 0:00 visit duration, so these are not real users.