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Why do people think Obama is so different than they thought he would be? - Printable Version

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Why do people think Obama is so different than they thought he would be? - unknown - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

He's a typical far left liberal Democrat.There are very few differences between his views and policies than any other Liberal.

The only reason Obama has a record of being a liar is because of the Digital/technological world we live in now. We can go back and look at videos on youtube and compare everything he said 8 years ago to everything he says now.

He is the first president in US history that has been so publicly available to the entire world due to this internet/ social media craze of recent. I guarantee that if somebody went back and watched all of the debates/speeches of every former president before him, and then shared that information with everybody they've ever met over the Internet, those presidents wold be considered misleading liars as well.

- Mother Hubbard - 04-08-2014 04:40 AM

the 2008 campaign didn't come true AT ALL.

We gotta WONDER was he a corporate plant, all along?
WHEN did he sell out?
The Democrats stress PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY of his 2008 campaign!!

- Elliot - 04-08-2014 04:48 AM

He sold out to corporate interests.

- Blackadder - 04-08-2014 04:49 AM

I agree with most everything you say with only one or two caveats.

First, Obama is a leftist, not a liberal. No self respecting liberal would advocate a massive expansion and authority of government. Liberals hold government in distain. Leftists, however, hold government above all things.

Secondly, Obama is also a liar. Not a fibber, not a mistake maker, not a mind changer, a liar by the literal definition of 'liar'. Very, very rarely is Obama not lying. Not misleading or exaggerating, lying in literal fact. But my first point gives reason to this. Leftists also don't care if their leaders lie. Their motto, "By any means necessary". And if they couldn't lie, they wouldn't be affective in their pursuit of that overwhelming government authority that will 'make us all happy'.

- Cantankerous - 04-08-2014 04:50 AM


You are wrong. You are so wrong they should write a song about how wrong you are. A picture of you should be in the dictionary under wrong.

I get it that you hate Obama and liberals, but that does not mean they are the same. At least get your facts straight.

A liberal far left democrat would not have extended tax cuts for billionaires.
A liberal far left democrat would not have done a "surge" in afghanistan
A liberal far left democrat would not have bailed out the banks
A liberal far left democrat would not have reauthorized the patriot act
A liberal far left democrat would not have continued drone strikes
A liberal far left democrat would not have been against gay marriage when he took office
A liberal far left democrat would not have dropped the public option from Obamacare
A liberal far left democrat would not have kept Secretary Gates in charge
A liberal far left democrat would not have refused to prosecute torture in the Bush administration.

Nearly half of what Obama does goes against the far left. I should know, because far left describes my politics.

- gyt - 04-08-2014 04:57 AM

He is a great speech reader and those who were so infatuated with him in the 2008 election didn't research to find out what he really stood for.
In 2012 they had been convinced that it was all the republicans fault even though the first two years he had a democrat house and senate to give him everything he wanted.

The love of Obama fell when Obamacare was put in place and they found out how bad it really was. They realized that this guy who promised them everything made their lives worse financially.

- jakemcclake - 04-08-2014 05:06 AM

I do not know if Obama is the typical far left liberal, there are certain things he blasted into from a very conservative basis, like for example,
executive orders regarding government
Improper Payments,
forcing government agencies to be reviewed, a develope estimates and a plan to recover their improper payments (which if it takes works will recover 124 billion for the Government each year). This is VERY FAR RIGHT, I would say.

That said think about (Not just Presidents) if we all had the digital technology on us all the time, like the President does. How many lies would everyone get caught in.
Think about this, I took over 1000 job interviews, and I can count on one hand the number of companies I interviewed with that were honest.

- Full Circle 33 - 04-08-2014 05:08 AM

Actually they were hoping and they bought into the "hope & change' thingy

His second term was won because they had no where else to go, pity.

Fool me once shame on you - fool me twice shame on me

SOS = same old story