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Where on the web can I go to find out about blogging? - Printable Version

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Where on the web can I go to find out about blogging? - spunkynut - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

Initial startup and all the other elements involved. Is there one place to read about blogging with all the info from A to Z?
Thanks in advace.

- Prashanth Raj - 04-08-2014 04:38 AM

yes you can get all the information regarding blogging and how to earn from blogging.Also you canlearn basic things on how to use SEO techniques inorder to optimize the site etc here.

- J - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

there is not one single place that I am aware of, because the subject "from A to Z" is far too broad.

YA does provide lots of info, but you must learn to properly search and phrase your search terms and then discard the answers that are simply marketing, eg: someone from India has recently started asking about SEO and they are also supplying the answer through another username (both were registered on the same day and had similar names)

There are 3 people on YA in the SEO section that provide good answers; Neal, Jake and myself

unfortunately many times I have observed that people don't want to listen to the truth, they want only to confirm their thoughts

there are places, videos and ebooks that will teach the basics, but to that you would need to know about domain registration and hosting best practices. then comes the ideas of whether you intend to monetize it and what methods work. security from hacking, newsletters, etc, etc, etc

The single best idea I could suggest is find someone that develops online businesses, either have them develop your first blog/site and listen to what guidance they provide. Try to get them to include some post development answers.

- Bogdan - 04-08-2014 04:50 AM

You can get most information about blogging by joining forums.Moz is the good place.Other good places are money blogger,copy blogger