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What is the best tecnique for SEO - Printable Version

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What is the best tecnique for SEO - Froilan - 04-08-2014 04:35 AM

- Rafael - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

There are really no one best tecnique for SEO. The truth is that in order to really maximaze
your web or blog you have to use the following and more:
Title Tag, Meta Tags, Proper Use of Heading Tags,Relevant Content,Link Building,
Social Media and etc.

You must be educated in the above and more to really achieve your goal.
You made receive this education and more for free by visiting this website.

- Hal Smith - 04-08-2014 04:53 AM

Tthe first thing you need to do is optimize your site and its design to make it more people friendly. Unless you do that, nothing would help. Neither the traffic that you get will be willing to stay or come back to your site or recommend it to others since it currently has nothing to offer nor will the search engines find it worthwhile to rank. Make your site stand out from the crowd. Offer unique interesting content to users. After that (the after part is really important) you'll have to do SEO and SEM to get more traffic. For that you'll have to do keyword research and then do linkbuilding for your blog among other things. You can get a really affordable cheap SEO package from a good SEO company to take care of your SEO and SEM needs. Choose wisely, there are many out there. Talk to their clients and get a view on how they have done in the past. This way you can concentrate on making your site better while the company markets your site. You can use the keywords they research in your content for SEO.

Hal Smith
URLdreamer Consultant