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How do I break up with my boyfriend of a year because he's cheated and lied? - Printable Version

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How do I break up with my boyfriend of a year because he's cheated and lied? - Brandy - 10-15-2012 08:29 PM

My current relationship for a year now has been an emotional roller coster ride. At first we both fell head over heads for each other...seemed as if we were the perfect match. We were very great friends for a month and a half before we got into an relationship. It seems that soon as we became a couple things changed dramatically. He's a year younger than me with two children by two different baby mothers; I have none. This at first wasn't an issue with me because I love children...and some day I would love to have ONE. It only is an issue today because he constantly lies about the conversations that him and his baby mother (the older child) have...he lives right across the street from her, and she constantly calls, and texts him about random stuff and some times she says slick things about being involved with him again. He's texted several other girls, and even had phone conversations with other females...not just conversations...he's trying to hook up with them. And his Facebook page is a total outrage his inbox is full of messages from other girls... I love him so much and I've cried my eyes out about this situation. He's crossed the line many times by stepping out of this realtionship...and he claims that it's only been discussions never sexual incounters...but I'm not sure if I believe this...He says that he loves me and I mean the world to him...he's permanetly deleted his facebook account to try to make things better between us...but just recently I figured out his password to his email and seen that he's now on an online dating website and have been messaging other females trying to get to know other girls...I can't beleive this and I can't keep allowing myself to keep having my heart broken over and over...I know from what I've stated so far has said DUMP HIM...but I honestly do love him and care about him...but I can't do this to myself any longer. Oh and we also work at the same job!! Any suggestions on how to go about this?

- Kitty - 10-15-2012 08:37 PM

Break up with him! If you dont then it will be like this FOREVER! He's a real cheater and he LIES. so you dont want to marry him and live a horrible life knowing that he cheats. If someone really loves you like TRUE LOVE then they wouldnt do this. Your his toy.

- Niuhi (: - 10-15-2012 08:37 PM

dump him NOW! You cant keep letting him hurt you like this. You deserve waaaayy better! There is someone out there for you, but first you need to let this guy go. He obviously doesnt love you enough to be faithful. Just tell him something like "you lost my trust, you crossed the line too many times, im over it. we're done" hope that helps!

- Str4wberry_Kitty - 10-15-2012 08:37 PM

Honestly no girl deserves to go through this. The signs were there all along (two kids; two different mothers; cheating) I just think you didn't want to see it. Truth is you're going to keep getting hurt by this guy. He's immature and you need to get out of the relationship. Don't let him make you feel bad about leaving, you are doing what's best for you.