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How do you market a facebook campaign for dogs? - Printable Version

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How do you market a facebook campaign for dogs? - EF - 10-15-2012 08:29 PM

How do you market a facebook campaign for dogs?
My dog is doing well in this contest, but somehow the 3 dogs ahead of her are able to get 100s of votes a day. I have rescue sites and several crossposters posting for her. If she wins (or places in top 5), donations are sent to the dog rescue group I'm with from Life and Dog.

I think people don't want to vote or know how to because you have to be logged into facebook, go to this URL http://bit. ly/wlzlv3 , (remove space after bit. ) first fan the life and dog page and THEN vote.

How are the others getting so many? over 12000 people have been exposed through facebook pages reposting, but still less than 500 votes. Suggestions??

- kevin_hills - 10-15-2012 08:37 PM

Is it a contest you have going. Anyway good luck hope your dog wins and you have my vote. This resource will help get to grips with facebook campaigns so you can win contest hands down

- Pestyshow545 - 10-15-2012 08:37 PM

Create the fan page for this...

Good luck!