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What sort of dog should I get? - Printable Version

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What sort of dog should I get? - Hails - 04-08-2014 04:37 AM

So I've been doing my research for the past 6 or 7 months and I still haven't come to a decision yet! I would love some thoughts from other dog lovers! So here are the circumstances:

I live in a large (about 2,000 sq. foot) apartment with no yard.

I would like a low-medium energy dog, who needs minimal exercise. I plan on giving a daily walk, long or short depending on the dogs needs and abilities.

I can afford to feed a large dog, so size is of no matter to me, I <3 all size dogs!

He/she will be left alone for 3-5 hours a day (the veterinary technician college I attend allows pets to come with you)

I would just LOVE a dog that is very affectionate, and likes to stay close to her owner.

I live in a warm climate, but she would be an inside dog, except for when I exercise her or take her to potty.

I don't take well to 'yappy' dogs, and neither do my neighbors, but I would like a dog that could be a watchdog, and though 'protection' is nice, it isn't a must. I believe a 'protection' dog to be selfish of an owner, considering you are supposed to be the pack leader, therefor you are supposed to 'protect' it.

I can control a dominating dog, I have had generous experience with these types of dogs and they've all been a success as pets. (I volunteered at an animal shelter!Smile

I plane on crate training a dog, and I have the time to do so. I wouldn't mine a dog that is admit stubborn, I can handle it! (Trust me, I've worked with English bulldogs)

Any help is very much needed and appreciated!
Thank you my fellow doggy lovers!!SmileSmile <3
Also, I don't mind slobber or shedding! If it's normal and healthy for my dog, I have no problem with it!
Wow those are some great suggestions so far! Thank you for your comments, they're all appreciatedSmile

- Leanne - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

Well for a first dog I would go for a Labrador/retriever. These dogs are brilliant for first time owners and families. They are very smart and loyal and want to please their owners. They don't need a massive amount of walking although they are fairly big dogs. And they are very social. So if they are left alone of with a walker/sitter, they would be no problem, and are very easy to teach.
As you can probably tell me favorite dog is a German Shepherd. I love them!! But at the moment I just don't have the time or the room and so getting one would not be fair to the dog. So I definitely understand where you are coming from Smile

- Melody - 04-08-2014 04:53 AM

if you go for a big dog get a Labrador retriever or German shepherd or Husky even a Goldendoodle (a golden retriever mixed with poodle) If you are getting a small dog a King Charles Spaniel

- Emma - 04-08-2014 04:56 AM

You can get information about a lot of dogs at your humane society, but like the other person a retriever would be good as long as you walk him/her daily. I had a retriever and if I didn't walk her every day she chewed up my furniture, so make sure to have some toys to entertain your new dog when you're gone. Good luck! Smile