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I need to leave this house!? - Printable Version

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I need to leave this house!? - dana - 04-08-2014 04:39 AM

My mom is literally going to drive me to suicide. I recently got suspended for a few days because I had alcohol and I know it was stupid but no one knows what I was feeling. I was trying to get out of my mind because I'm going through so much. My grandma has a lot of mental issues, like she's crazy af. And my mom is starting to exhibit signs.. she thinks she has parasites, and now she thinks she has mercury poisoning and she's starting a detox. Anyway she's been very crazy lately. When I got suspended she took away my door, all my clothes except for 3 shirts to wear for 7 days -.- all my makeup and hair stuff, my phone and ipod, I can't go anywhere. She won't even let me see my father. Yesterday she asked why I hated her so much and I didn't say much and she walked out of the room and said to me "Fuck you" and she came back and she told me to shut up. She is constantly making me do things around the house. I have to clean the house do dishes, take care of the dogs and she sits on facebook or her tablet all the time. She doesn't listen to anything I say and it hurts. It's like she doesn't care. I used to be bad off on self harm and when I told her I was doing it she started yelling at me and didn't even tell me it was gonna be okay. I told her I wanted to kll myself and she told me it's because I don't get my way. I can't stay here anymore, I will do something and I'm scared for my life here..
Look, I'm scared for my life because I'm saying I might take it not her. My brother and his fiance live with us and they agree she's gone off the deep end. I'm not over exaggerating. Don't tell me to be greatful for what I have. I don't have a mom, I have a guardian.

- Lara Croft - 04-08-2014 04:41 AM

The weed and booze should make the pain go away.
If it doesn't help then you're just an ungrateful brat who complains about everything you don't have instead of being grateful of what you have.

- Ok... - 04-08-2014 04:49 AM

Unle$$ you are paying the Bill$ of the hou$e, then you dont really know what "going through so much" means.... If you really want to get her attention, tell her you will $ell:

"my door, all my clothes except for 3 shirts to wear for 7 days -.- all my makeup and hair stuff, my phone and ipod, "

Because there are kids that dont even have a home. So that makes you sound ungrateful.... ju$t $aying....Good luck!

- Finwie - 04-08-2014 04:57 AM

Contact the social services or child protection services, depending on your age. It's one thing to take your stuff and ground you, it's quite another if your mother isn't fit to give you the proper upbringing and safety you need. Talk to someone.

- ella - 04-08-2014 05:03 AM

Being scared for your life is a serious overreaction. If she's never beaten you....then why be scared for your LIFE??

Get your mother professional help, sounds like she needs it!
Btw DONT do drugs or alcohol. Trust me one of the people closest to me became alcoholic because she was going through tough times. When she tried to cut down she ended up having seizures through alcohol withdrawal. And I expect you're wise enough to know what drugs do

- Katherine - 04-08-2014 05:10 AM

Its not ur fault that u do alcohol. If I were u I would do something about it like call the police. I cant stand it when parents do that.

- Jonathan - 04-08-2014 05:11 AM

Try this site (it's an advice column):

Maybe they'll be able to help you. Hope you get the answer you're looking for. Good luck, friend.

- Pearl L - 04-08-2014 05:14 AM

i think your mom needs some help, you can always move out when youre 18

- ? - 04-08-2014 05:20 AM

I think Pearl is right.

You seriously made a mistake by using alcohol, but I'm sensing and underlying depression. Your mom needs to get help and she needs to get some psychological help from you, even if you made a mistake you still need to get treated for depression if you have it.

You could borrow makeup and hair stuff from a friend who's a girl.

Have you talked to some adult, like a guidance counselor, about your situation at home? They could have a chat with your mom.

When you say you're scared for your life, you're obviously showing signs of depression. You need help for this.

I don't think it's wrong for her to expect you to do something around the house... I clean house practically every day and I'm in grad school. My mom works a lot and lacks the time and energy to do that stuff. It's hard to pay bills and everything else.

I think your mom loves you but I think that denying you the chance to see your dad is probably a mistake. She doesn't know how to show it, or listen, and I think your whole family needs some help.

- Michael - 04-08-2014 05:26 AM

okay 1st thing I want you to do is to stop drinking when ever you angry take it out on something like work out go run listen to music watch funny movie on your computer do something else beside drug. 2nd thing if you are 16 get a job and open a bank account to put your money in save it keep in mind you will save for college and house rent so you can't go spending money like crazy and you if you 16 you only have 2 years. 3rd thing buy a headset okay if you have internet listen to music on computer loudly on your headset lock your room. Do not ignore her if she come to talk to her you can still do it that's is very important okay. 4th thing talk about it with your counselor or some adult that you trust get some advice from him/her keep in mind that it has to be someone like family or teachers not someone you met in the street and you think you trust.5th thing good luck continue on washing the dishes and cleaning consider it you working for the food and the house. 6th Avoid anything that can turn into an argument with her. that's it