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Why do people add me on facebook if I never met them? - Printable Version

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Why do people add me on facebook if I never met them? - Rory - 04-08-2014 04:40 AM

Why? We have one mutual friend but I never met him. I'm a private person. Is there some reason why a complete stranger would send me a friend request?

- Lacey - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

There are people on social media that seem to make it their life mission to get as many Facebook friends and/or Twitter followers as possible. If that means adding total strangers, that's what they'll do.

This person saw your name on your mutual friend's list and decided to pad his own friend list. There is no law that says you have to accept. You're obviously one of the few who doesn't feel the need to add everyone they ever heard of to their Facebook. Good for you! Continue being cautious.

If you do decide to add strangers if you both have mutual friends, I would suggest that you set your privacy controls to keep your personal posts/pictures private.

- Sam - 04-08-2014 04:49 AM

Make your id setting as public so any one can see your profile and it all depend on other to be added you or not.