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Can being bullied as a kid affect your future social life? - Printable Version

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Can being bullied as a kid affect your future social life? - Naki - 04-08-2014 04:40 AM

I was bullied when I was a child throughout high school. I was not bad looking or overweight just quiet and I didn't care much for people who were loud or spoke badly about other people being their backs also was honest and people hated that. I was called ugly, bad dresser and a b!tch in elementary through high school and caused me to be a loner as an adult. I have two close friends but never been popular on social media sites or popular in general. I always took school very serious which allowed me to follow my dreams and attend grad school. I'm currently attending and one of the youngest students in my program. I don't keep up with anyone from high school but I'll occasionally see them working in stores or fast food joints. I usually laugh to myself and think these were the same girls who called me dumb and ugly now they're 30+ lbs overweight manager at MacDonalds. I never forgave them everything they did and said bother me to this day. They made my life hell. I was on the verge of suicide. I know it sounds bad that I haven't moved passed it and it's affecting my adult life to go out and meet new people but I'm ready to move on. I still live in the same town I went to high school in and everything is just a reminder of it when I pass the building or when I have subbing assignments at the high school. I want to move past the past and move on to the future.

- Mia - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

Yes but u will be ok