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Best WiFi service for fast download speeds? - Printable Version

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Best WiFi service for fast download speeds? - Luke J. - 04-08-2014 04:40 AM

Right now I have a century link wifi service and I am disappointed. I went on to, and my Mbps was 2.4 and my upload speed was 0.5, and I can see why. Every time I try to download something like games it takes forever. For example, I was trying to download Estranged: Act I and my friend said it took him less than 10 mins while mine said it would take like 7-8 hours. Also, when I am just casually watching YouTube videos I am constantly let down by the buffering and I can never have the option to watch videos in HD because it would just take too long to load. Also my bandwidth is really low. I was uploading a video to YouTube which just to tell you took overnight to upload the 10 minute video, and then I went to my tv to play Black ops and when I joined a public match I was constantly lagging and jerking around, so it shows that my wifi just can handle 2-3 devices at a time. Please give me some tips to pick out a better wifi service so I won't have as menu problems. Thank you.

- shallowfood675 - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

Japan & Korea have great Internet speeds.

- ? - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

Hi Luke,

Sorry that your service is not running as well as it should. Our team would like to help. In order to do so please send account & contact information here

Thank you,

Social Media Manager
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