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How to stop getting depressed over mean things I read online? - Printable Version

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How to stop getting depressed over mean things I read online? - lola - 04-08-2014 04:41 AM

I do my best to avoid social media (for ex deleted my facebook and twitter), but sometimes comments/views of people will be unavoidable. I saw mean comments about a celebrity I'm similar lookswise to, and saw the most horrible comments about her appearance. Even then when I see horrible comments about anyone it makes me very upset. I try to not let it affect me but I can't help it. It really does hurt. I spend a lot of time away from the internet but sometimes have to use it for school etc. I just cannot take criticism. Even though I get a lot of compliments, the few mean comments from bullies are the ones that consistently play in my mind. I concentrate on those comments and it makes me feel very depressed, upset and like I don't want to live. I know not everyone will like you in life but it hurts me deeply. Please help. (I'm 17 btw)
I mean, celebrities I think are gorgeous get called by many people online as unattractive and it hurts me because I feel as if, if they consider those gorgeous celebrities as unattractive then I must be awful. I know it's pathetic, sorry.

- THE BANNIBAL ONE - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

The best way to look at it is with a grain of salt.
Dismiss everything you read online that's mean.
That isn't real life and is posted by losers who hide
behind their computer screen.They have low self esteem
or no self worth.They need to put down others since
they have a lousy life.