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hughes net download allowance? - Printable Version

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hughes net download allowance? - darkangel - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

When you exceed your daily allowance does it make web surfing slower or just downloading stuff

- Syberious - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

Yes, it cuts EVERYTHING back to dialup speeds... and trust me 10gig day +10gig night will not last you a month DON'T GET SATELLITE IF YOU HAVE OTHER OPTIONS

You really have to be careful what you have going on turn off all auto updates and such. It's annoying. But if your choices are satellite or dialup get sat....

Watching Netflix uses about 1 GB of data per hour for standard definition video, and up to 3 GB per hour for high-definition video.

So do the math... you can't even watch 2 HD movies a month.

- Boss - 04-08-2014 04:53 AM

Call your ISP.