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What do I do about this guy I really like him help? - Printable Version

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What do I do about this guy I really like him help? - Hannah - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

Ok so I'm 16 and this guy went to my school he just graduated last semester because he took a fifth year so hes around 19 I guess? I really like him like I'm not talking 'a little crush because I think he's attractive' I mean I really, really like him. The other day I was walking to class and he was like right there.. I guess he was just visiting but I was totally not expecting it and he was like right there. I don't know why but I started like tearing up... but so I went to class and I couldn't stop thinking about him so I got up and ran out of class and I was crying and he was there again walking down the hall and I'm not sure if he saw that I was crying but I rushed into the bathroom because I didn't want to embarrass myself... Whenever I see him I get emotional, its kind of pathetic. I want to talk to him but I have no idea how I would start it since we've never talked before. Well, when he still went to my school I walked passed him once and said hi and he said hi back but that was it. So no we don't know each other at all I don't even know if he knows my name. I just really, really like him and I don't know why. I followed him on instagram but he never followed me back.. I don't really blame him because he doesn't know me but yeah... Should I like one of his pictures? Just to start or something? I added him on facebook but he hasn't accepted yet.. If I could control myself around him I'd say hi in person because I hate social media but it's as close as I can get since I barely ever see him in person. I just don't want him to be like "who are you"... I don't know what to do. He's nice (that I know of)... Also, I don't want to end up finding out he has a girlfriend.. I don't think he does but I can't be sure.. Because if he does, that'd be really embarrassing. What do I do??? I'm so confused Sad Should I like one of his pictures? Then maybe he'll notice me and follow me back or something? Ugh I'm so confused. Also, he's friends with this person who had a problem with my best friend.. Like a big issue.. I know that doesn't involve me with him but I don't want him to think I'm weird like my friend or something lol... Ugh.. Help?

- poon - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

Say u like him

- neversharingname:P - 04-08-2014 04:52 AM

Well, if you like one of his pictures he is going to think you're creepy. Just next time you see him, start a conversation, just small talk, hey how are you, that kind of thing. He'll see that you're interested in him, and maybe ask for his number? I'm 17 and like a 14 year old, so about the same thing there. Just, if anything, see if he has a girlfriend by stalking him slightly on facebookTongue twitter maybe? that's all public.