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Blogging advice!? ASAP? - Printable Version

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Blogging advice!? ASAP? - Alice - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

okay, hey everyone, erm me and my friend (we're 15 year old girls) are looking at people's blogs at the moment and are wondering if anyone likes them, does them themselves, and what you usually write in them. we want to set up a blog, and YouTube videos and stuff, but we don't know how to start them&how often and stuff so my questions are:

do you like blogs? if so, what are they usually about?

how often should YouTube videos be uploaded?

what do you normally blog about?

best blogging/most popular blogging website?

inspiration on what to include videos/blog posts?

any ideas/suggestions/opinions greatly appreciated!!

- R B - 04-08-2014 04:50 AM

Blog about what you are interested in. I think people are better writers about things of their own interest. It is also easier to create more posts that way. The best blogs are ones that are frequently updated.

An easy place to set up a blog is It doesn't cost anything, and there is a tutorial on the home page. Good luck

- James G - 04-08-2014 04:50 AM

Hey Alice,

Good questions. The following answers may just help you to get a clearer picture of how you can both become bloggers:

You asked: Do you like blogs? If so, what are they usually about?

Yes, I love them, but then I'm a professional blogger, so I would say that. Smile I like reading all kinds of blogs, particularly the things I'm passionate about like blogging, marketing etc. However, I do read blogs on other topics. There are blogs about pretty much everything out there.

You asked: How often should YouTube videos be uploaded?

Simple. As often as you have a good video to upload! Focus on producing great content about the things you're passionate or excited about. The more you upload, the more you'll be seen by others who are also excited or passionate about that thing too. That will lead to you getting more views and more people visiting your site.

You asked: What do you normally blog about?

I blog about helping people to set up their own business on the internet that allows them to do the things they love without having to worry about money. I also have another blog about improving your memory, as that's something I'm interested in.

You asked: Best blogging/most popular blogging website?, but personally I wouldn't get an account there. Instead, you can set up a Wordpress blog that you own on your own site (e.g: instead of This isn't as hard as it sounds and I can help if you'd like. Just drop me a message to james [at] (replace the [at] with a @ and close the spaces).

You asked: Inspiration on what to include videos/blog posts?

Ask yourself, what are you interested in? Make a list. Then decide on which of those you're most excited about. That's your main blog topic. Then think of all the things you could talk about. For example, it could be the world of fashion. Well, if that's your topic then you could blog about London Fashion Week, or the latest show by a top designer, or the best way to look trendy without spending loads of money... Also, take a look at what other blogs on that topic are writing about. That's good for inspiration. Just go to Google and type in 'Fashion Blog' or 'Topic Blog', replacing 'Topic' with your chosen topic.

That should help you get started.

Happy blogging.


- Rack - 04-08-2014 04:52 AM

Rack1,Good questions. The following answers may just help you to get a clearer picture of how you can both become bloggers:

You asked: Do you like blogs? If so, what are they usually about?

Yes, I love them, but then I'm a professional blogger, so I would say that. Smile I like reading all kinds of blogs, particularly the things I'm passionate about like blogging, marketing etc. However, I do read blogs on other topics. There are blogs about pretty much everything out there.

You asked: How often should YouTube videos be uploaded?

Simple. As often as you have a good video to upload! Focus on producing great content about the things you're passionate or excited about. The more you upload, the more you'll be seen by others who are also excited or passionate about that thing too. That will lead to you getting more views and more people visiting your site.

You asked: What do you normally blog about?

I blog about helping people to set up their own business on the internet that allows them to do the things they love without having to worry about money. I also have another blog about improving your memory, as that's something I'm interested in.

You asked: Best blogging/most popular blogging website?

- Tony - 04-08-2014 04:57 AM

blogging is the most powerful digital platform. blog with video is best way to make money online. is the best blogging guys. you tube video very effective. i am blogger from last 5 years, you can earn money huge huge from blogging.