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Does he deserve me telling him this? - Printable Version

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Does he deserve me telling him this? - Taylor - 04-08-2014 04:42 AM

So I have been seeing this guy for like wile now. We really like each other at least I thought he did. He was being a jerk and stopped talking to me out of the blue after we had sex, this wasn't the first time we've had sex so i know he didn't just stop talking to me because of that but its the first time we had sex unprotected. i know its stupid and i understand the consequences unprotected sex can have but it just happened and we didn't really think about it. So I've been really busy with school and everything (I'm 17 by the way and hes 19, in my country its legal) and I didn't notice that I'm 4 weeks late. I took a pregnancy test and it read positive. I'm going to go to my doctor on Monday to find out if its actually correct. So I was just wondering if i should let him know or does he deserve me telling him? I want to because I don't think its fair for him not to know but every message i send him he just reads it and doesn't reply. If you guys think I should could you tell me what to say cause i want to meet up with him and tell him to his face not off texting or social media.
(I'm really sorry about my punctuation.)

- Krysta - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

In my opinion if he wanted anything to do with you then he would call you or at least answer your calls... and yes he does deserve to know... but if he doesn't want anything to do with you now then I really don't see a point in telling him until he wants you in his life.

- ? - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

Well, he's a young guy..they get scared about these things. I wouldn't have said anything about it till you went to the doctors and got it checked, if it was confirmed that you are indeed pregnant then you should tell him it's important that you's meet In person and talk about it. Those "pee on a stick" tests can always test wrong. You should always get a blood test and talk to your doctor before telling that boy. If he was a decent boy he would help you and work through this. Smile