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Why is the facebook copyright at the bottom of the page different? - Printable Version

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Why is the facebook copyright at the bottom of the page different? - Lauren - 10-15-2012 08:30 PM

Normally, the bottom of my Facebook page says "a Mark Zuckerberg Production," but every time I refresh my page, it says a different person's name, including my own name occasionally. Why is this happening and is it only on my computer?
haha wow, i guess i had a major blonde moment....thats a pretty good april fools joke then

- cromwell564 - 10-15-2012 08:38 PM

Maybe it's your buddy's playing a prank on you.
It is April 1st.

- Jack - 10-15-2012 08:38 PM

I guess the creators decided it would be funny to randomize names at the bottom of Facebook today (it is, after all, April 1st =P). I've never noticed it until now, when I went to check.

- jasonjas - 10-15-2012 08:38 PM

Does it to me as well. It's a joke.

Maybe because it's April fools day. If it happens everyday, it means that the site is belonging to everyone and that no matter who puts a copyright on it, Mark will still own the copyright.

It's basically a joke.

- curiousE - 10-15-2012 08:38 PM

yea they pulled all sorts of randomness today- like that livepoke business? and my newsfeed told me that 2 of my oxen drowned when i tried to ford the river and that harry and voldemort had changed their relationship status to "mortal enemies" or something and meredith and mcdreamy changed their relationship status back and forth between "it's complicated" and "in a relationship." all sorts of weirdness. It really freaked me out at first but it's definitely april fools! didn't notice the copyright thing though, that's interesting!