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Are the " Reagan Republicans " now the RINOs ? - Printable Version

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Are the " Reagan Republicans " now the RINOs ? - MAGIK - 04-08-2014 04:43 AM

- G - 04-08-2014 04:49 AM

Yup. Reagan passed universal amnesty, was pro-gun control, and forced all hospitals to provide emergency care for people insured or not. The modern Republican party would CRUCIFY him. He wouldn't stand a chance. In a primary he'd come dead last.

- Summertime - 04-08-2014 04:56 AM

They were Reagan Democrats. They switched over to become Republican.

- skinnyWatcher854 - 04-08-2014 05:00 AM

Some of them

Other Reagan Republicans are the ones calling people RINOs.

Reagan Republican just means the ad hoc coalition of the time, which included a lot of bible bangers and racists, as well as more main stream Republicans.

It was a nicer way of saying "he pandered to the types of people Ford refused to pander to."

- IceT - 04-08-2014 05:07 AM

They were actually called Reagan Democrats and later became known as the Bluedog Democrats. Pelosi and Reid made sure they all got kicked out of the Democrat party so that they could force BFD O'Bamacare down our throats.

- GOD - 04-08-2014 05:15 AM

yep, he expanded the Federal Govt, expanded Medicare, Social Security, war on drugs, etc...

- treatment454 - 04-08-2014 05:19 AM

If you're a sane republican capable of winning a popular vote, then you're a RINO

- My America - 04-08-2014 05:27 AM

the 80s called

It wants its material back

oh and awesome job deflecting off

of loser obama

- weather - 04-08-2014 05:28 AM

Obama is Reagan without the Balls, I think that is a stretch though. I still remember him getting in office and firing all of the air traffic controllers even though he was president of the Actors Guild (Reagan joined the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) in 1937, became a member of the union's board in 1941 and its president in 1947 and continued to serve on the board after stepping down from the presidency in 1954. During that period, SAG was involved in a myriad of battles, including repeated efforts to purge itself of Communist influence.)

I am sorry, but Reagan was not in the least interested in Social Security. He raided it for his Star Wars Programs. I was there. I remember. - But the budget cuts, while receiving huge media attention, were from the start peripheral as they targeted only a small percentage of federal spending, mainly Great Society-era programs designed to widen the nation's social welfare net. Reagan was simultaneously proposing massive increases in defense spending. He also followed the advice of David Stockman, his director of the Office of Management and Budget, to avoid reforming entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare that were the largest components of the budget. The budgets of these politically entrenched programs were determined by complex formulas written into the laws creating them. Trying to cutback these programs presented an enormous political challenge, as Reagan learned when the Senate unanimously rebuffed an early attempt to change the Social Security rules. In truth, Reagan had little interest in overturning such popular programs. As he made clear in his diaries, released nearly two decades after his presidency, Reagan's aim was to whittle away at Lyndon Johnson's Great Society -

And again there is the deregulation of the banks - Dissenting from Richman's view that Reagan had done too little regarding deregulation, the liberal economist Paul Krugman was to complain of the "Reagan era," 1982 bi-partisan Congressional Garn-St. Germain Act, which he described as providing the banking industry with "a license to gamble with taxpayers’ money, at best, or simply to loot it, at worst." (New York Times, May 31, 2009)
Taxes and Balancing the Budget

Early in his administration (February 18, 1981 to be exact) Reagan unveiled his "program for economic recovery." He called for $41.4 billion in cuts from the Carter budget, mostly from "Great Society" programs to benefit the poor, and vowed to maintain a "‘safety net" for the poor, the disabled and the elderly. He also called for a 30 percent tax cut over three years and an increase in defense expenditures, and vowed not to cut Social Security. In 1981 Congress passed Reagan's budget and tax bills. Instead of a tax cut of 30 percent, Reagan received and accepted 25 percent.

Why people see this man who shows nothing but cold empathy - a Narcissist with Balls if you will as RINO and his party as such is beyond me. I just don't know I really don't