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What to do now that i have found out that a woman from Cambridgeshire? - Printable Version

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What to do now that i have found out that a woman from Cambridgeshire? - 1878 - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

has said that she has not received an item i sent to her.

I have proof of postage from Royal Mail.
I have looked at her feedback left for others and she has done it to at least 19 other people but Ebay have not got on to her.
She is blatantly scamming ordinary people.
I sent the item first class but not signed for (Big Mistake)
I would like to contact ebay but then she will leave me bad feedback if she finds out.
Should i make her life a complete misery over £20 or just let it go and let her carry on robbing people?
I have her home address and have even been on her Facebook page, just waiting to see if she slips up.
I have had to refund the £20 and i know she got the item.

- S&N - 04-08-2014 04:51 AM

E-Bay does not tolerate this type of behavior. I would suggest you complain about her. E-bay protects the buyer, but they also protect the seller too.

- Steve M - 04-08-2014 05:00 AM

Ebay doesn't support the Seller at all, and the fact you have already refunded the buyer £20 supports my theory !!!!!!!.

I had problems with a buyer, and even though the buyer took two months to complain that the item I sold was 'wasn't as described' and I put my defence to Ebay saying he could of tampered / used the item, Ebay didn't want to hear any of it, and went down on the side of the buyer and I had to refund them - totally unfair.

I don't want anything else to do with Ebay - their rip off fees, poor support and buyer bias have finished it for me!!!

- Who - 04-08-2014 05:06 AM

If you point out to ebay that she hsd done the same thing many times before you might be lucky

Otherwise you havent a hope - its YOUR responsibility to ensure the buyer receives goods.
If you cant do that then you will lose as far as ebay is concerned.

(but in any case I would complain to ebay that she has repeatedly claimed the same thing and they are neglecting their responsibility by doing nothing about it)

(However there is a remote possibility you could sue her and use the evidence from ebay to show she has claimed the same thing loads of times before
Since suing is judged on the balance of probabilities then previous actions might well be in your favour

But this just would not be worth all the hassle for £20)