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Should I tell my crush I like , need advice. Best Answer Gets 10 Points!!? - Printable Version

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Should I tell my crush I like , need advice. Best Answer Gets 10 Points!!? - Jelly - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

I don't know if he likes me or not but we are always catching eye contact . My friend had went up to him and told him that one of her friends likes him ( she didn't say it was me) and he said awwwww that's cute so I feel like that kinda gives me an advantage, but my other friend like him too. She is way more confident and would just ask him out up front where I am the opposite. ... So should I tell him before it's to late ??? I am to awkward and don't know how to advice please??

- Aaren Aucoin - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

Do it. What do you have to lose? The worst that can happen is him saying no. And so what, then it's not meant to be and you can easily move on. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit.

- Tyrone - 04-08-2014 04:48 AM

Ask him.. You don't want to live the rest of your life wondering "what if?". Let him know, and make your decision to stick with him or move on.. Trust me regret sux..

- Karlie - 04-08-2014 04:51 AM

You and your friend both like him, so it's a bit of a touchy subject. But I'd suggest haut talking to him, if you're too shy to tell him in person, or worried about what he will respond with, try talking to him on Facebook or something. Try to keep it friendly and just act natural, then eventually you can hint that you like him more than just a friend when you're on the friend base. Probable wasn't much help, but good luck! Smile

- Bee kju - 04-08-2014 05:01 AM

If you and your friend both like him, I feel that it might not go as planned for you or for her or for even both. The best thing to do is be honest and straight forward, tell him how you feel