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Any advice or tips on how to become a Youtuber?!? - Printable Version

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Any advice or tips on how to become a Youtuber?!? - Chris Angel - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

I recently got my computer so now I can start doing videos and edit them and stuff. I would like to know some tips or any good advice to know. Thanks Smile

- zubair - 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

Make unique and best video
to become a best Youtuber
♦Don't Use Copy content
♦Use Social media to promote your video
♦Use Google adsense to make mony

- Prajwol - 04-08-2014 04:52 AM

first to be a youtuber create a youtube account by using your gmail id. then you should have a creative ideas to make creative videos that would be entertaining or likable to the viewers. if you have got such ideas then you can easily upload your videos in youtube using your youtube account...

- Misunderstoodjail739 - 04-08-2014 04:58 AM

Make sure that you have quality video and audio.
Make sure that you have good name (short, catchy, etc.)
If you have a Nvidia Experience (I think you need to have a GTX 760 or higher), use ShadowPlay to record.
Don't buy subscribers and/or videos, that will bite you in the ass.
Spread the word of you channel to friends, relevant forums and social media.

Good luck