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Love or Hate: Cell Phones & why? - Printable Version

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Love or Hate: Cell Phones & why? - Melle - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

The cell/mobile phones have been with us for three generations now.

I just want a poll of how well we think cellular and mobile communications are enhancing or complicating our lives.

General direction of technology, Reliability, affordability/ economics, invasiveness, security, inclusiveness (for the disabled) or old, advertising, durability, etc.

Love <> Hate

How is this system enhancing or impacting your life, relationships, and finances.

How have you allowed them to work for in your benefit.

- Chickidee;) - 04-08-2014 04:53 AM

I like cell phones! I think we use them entirely too much, but I think that overall, they have a great impact on the world. They can help us so much. Knowledge is always at the tip of our fingers. If we want to know the definition of a word someone just spoke, if we want to know how to make the perfect spaghetti recipe, if we want to translate a word into spanish, if we want to know directions for how to get to McDonalds, or if we want to look up symptoms to know what medicine to take when we are sick, we can know in a matter of minutes. People 100 years ago couldn't do that. So, it's amazing.

That being said, though, we probably shouldn't play as many useless games or check our social media as much. Although they are amazing things as well, we as a society are too obsessed.