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Long distance friendship - confused at what to do!? - Printable Version

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Long distance friendship - confused at what to do!? - Kimi - 04-08-2014 04:44 AM

I met this guy through a social media site, through us both supporting a certain hockey team. He lives in the US, I live in Canada. We started chatting and found out we had a lot in common: books, music, art, philosophical ideas, and the like. Soon we started talking every day, and speaking through the phone. One time, while speaking, he'd told me he really wanted to kiss me. I was a bit surprised, but I immediately knew that I would like that too. After that we began kind of "sexting" or whatever you want to call it. I was falling in love with him, and he was too, because maybe a month after we began speaking, he told me he loved me. That was 6 months ago - we haven't said it to each other since. I really do believe there's no one else like him. He's amazingly kind, hilarious, sarcastic, unbelievably brilliant. He's a writer. I feel very inferior sometimes. Anyway, we began watching films "together," sending each other gifts. It's still simply a very close friendship, because he doesn't believe in long distance relationships. We've toyed with me visiting, but nothing concrete. Fast forward to two days ago: he told me he was in town and met a girl he was interested in. I had sort of seen this coming, because he had grown a bit distant. We're not dating or anything, so I don't know what I should do. Should I detach myself from him (because we're really too close and it wouldn't be proper)? Or should I try and just remain his friend? I really do love him, sigh, and I'm afraid.

- Elvis - 04-08-2014 04:54 AM

it will not work out well