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Why is my internet suddenly very slow? - Printable Version

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Why is my internet suddenly very slow? - Chris Arteaga - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

Hi Yahoo answers. Hopefully you can help me. My internet is suddenly very slow. We never had the best internet. We use Time Warner Cable and when we got our internet we had download speeds of around 12 and upload speeds of around 2. Now all of a sudden our router will reset itself every 2-5 minutes! When the router is up the download speed is around 0.5 and the upload speeed around 1. We tried contacting Time Warner Cable and they said they fixed the problem. It worked for a couple hours really well but then went back to how it was. REALLY SLOW. Resetting itself bad internet speeds. Can anyone help me with my problem?

- Princess :) - 04-08-2014 04:52 AM

Try a different browser instead. Or get you PC checked, sometimes the problem prevails in the system itself. Otherwise, get a different and faster internet package.

- Chris Arteaga - 04-08-2014 04:58 AM

Thank you Ditka. Ill call them

- Sergio - 04-08-2014 05:01 AM

Ask them to replace their router if it's theirs by the way. Check if you recently downloaded some useless programs which may affect your speed.

EDIT: I'm sure it's your router. Also, here an other way to check it. Do you have any friends that have a wireless adapter? It look like a flash drive but it for wireless. You can plug it in and see if it's the router.

Or take a picture of your control panel and post up here so I can see the programs that you recently install.

- Ditka - 04-08-2014 05:08 AM

Have TWC change out the outside lines to the house.. Many times it is caused by a leakage or condensation in the lines. I had the same problem and finally DEMANDED that they check the lines, come to find out that there was a bad wire on the pole where a squirrel had been chewing causing condensation to effect my signal strength... They also found that there was an older style splitter inside the house which was also causing it to slow. The problem with TWC is that the techs always try and find the cheapest, easiest, and fastest way to fix a problem.. Many time they will just come out and put an amplifier on the line which only temporarily fixes the problem.. No matter how much you amplify the signal the leakage will always resurface due to the weathering until they fix the lines.

TWC is known for putting signal amplifiers on your lines when they find you have low signal or a fluctuating signal.. This only temporarily fixes the problem until it rains or morning dew effects the signal again. They absolutely HATE having to change out a line or tracing the problem down the road to where they will find what is actually causing the loss of signal.

Am I an expert?? NO.. But I worked for TWC as a Regional Sales Rep for over 20 years and I understand the inner workings of that company..