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Why did eBay suspend my account? - Printable Version

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Why did eBay suspend my account? - KRSONMar - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

This just seems kind of odd to me, don't know if I'm making a big deal out of anything or whatever, but I've had an eBay account for something close to ten years, and despite buying something on the site in October, when I logged on recently to try to leave feedback, the login page told me my account didn't exist. I tried the username I've used for years; the one I use on other sites, just in case; and I used several password combinations that I know I've used on eBay in the past. When I called up customer service, they said my account had been locked due to lack of use, and were trying to tell me me e-mail on file was expired. That e-mail is the one I use every day for everything, and as I say, I bought something on eBay within the past month, so my account wasn't out of use for very long at all. I was using it quite a lot in the spring before getting back on it again in fall with no issues, and prior to that, I've gone through months or even years of not using that account with no problems. When I asked customer service why their readout said my account had been unused for too long or how long it had to be unused for it to be made inactive, they just told me the issue was resolved now and they didn't have more specifics than that, but that they sometimes lock accounts that have been disused for long enough for the safety of the user.

I'm concerned because that account is, of course, tied to my PayPal account, which is in turn, of course, tied to my bank account, but I was asking if there was any reason to believe my account security had been compromised and they would only say they lock disused accounts for the user's safety. I wasn't getting the answers I wanted, and since that account is tied to my banking info, I am a little concerned. Am I worrying too much, or does this sound fishy to anyone else?

- rene - 04-08-2014 04:49 AM

It sounds a little fishy to me, and if I were you, I would use a credit card for PayPal instead of a debit card or bank account, as it is safer.