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How to easily increase page rank in blogger? - Printable Version

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How to easily increase page rank in blogger? - Izaj - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

I create a site using and put google adsense ads in this site But I can't earn more money using adsense in 3 month i earn only $2. How to earn more money in this blog site. And how many days need to increase page rank 1?
Please help me!!

- Mike S - 04-08-2014 04:50 AM

Keep this a secret to yourself >>> Google ranks blogs by Content...the better your content the more visitors you'll get and the more rankings you'll get....nothing else matters.

Here's one of my blogs I did in November 2013 and have surpassed 5600 visitors so my blog and content is ranked on the first two pages in search engines..just keep writing articles about whatever your site is about and try to make at least 2 or 3 new posts every week.

- Baldev Sinh - 04-08-2014 04:53 AM

Writing up decent quality articles will help for sure. Another thing that influences PR is backlink!

Try to get backlinks from high PR sites and blogs. It'll work wonders. I got results doing that. Best of Luck!

- Jake - 04-08-2014 05:02 AM

While niche sites can get search ranking more easily tyhan broad topic sites yours is just too specialized to attract ay decent amount of traffic.

I can only imagine only a small handfull of students being interested in what I suspect is unoriginal content scraped from other sites. I didn't see any typical text Adsense ads and would be surprised if you would be approved for it. They don't allow certain competing ads to appear on the same page.

Some Adsense sites need 10,000 visitors to earn the min $100 payout, I'm afraid it may take that site years to earn that on it's own, you can have multiple sites on the same Adsense account to get paid sooner.

- Mustufa - 04-08-2014 05:07 AM

It is all about seo. you can increase your backlink to get high rank in search engine and result into more traffic for you blog or site.