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How can a purchase Bitcoins with a credit card? - Printable Version

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How can a purchase Bitcoins with a credit card? - prodipb - 04-08-2014 04:45 AM

I tried looking around for a place that sells me Bitcoins with a credit card but no luck, am I missing something ?

- BTC - 04-08-2014 04:49 AM

You're not missing anything. The reason you can't buy Bitcoin with a credit card is because of the possibility for charge back. This makes the exchanges shy away from this option because it puts them in risk of fraud. If you still want to buy bitcoins with a credit card you will be able to find some places online that will accept credit card but they will use some sort of workaround or take premium commissions (can reach up to 11%!!!!). So it's better to not use this option currently unless you're in a real rush to get your coins.

- asha - 04-08-2014 04:52 AM

You can go to and select people accept Western Union payment which you can use credit card to pay.

- Michael Wiseman - 04-08-2014 04:57 AM

You can buy Bitcoins with credit card at:

1- Buy L$ (Linden Dollars) with credit card/paypal
2- But btc with Linden Dollars

Here there's a practical guide:

Hope it helps!

- rafomania - 04-08-2014 05:04 AM

You can buy bitcoins with credit and debit card AND paypal. Not many places offer this for reasons I will not go into (chargeback included).

Theres a guide at that gives you a step by step guide how to simply and safely buy bitcoins. I recommend this over anything else you see since its a long established site offering the service.

Your other option is to use a site that asks for a bank transfer.