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teenage girl advice ? - Printable Version

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teenage girl advice ? - Erica - 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

I'm 15, very mature, and i dont believe i'll fall in love. I want it extremely badly, to share such an amazing connection with someone. Except the fact is, i like older guys who are mature.. I know when i go to university in a couple years it could happen, but i really dont even want to wait at all, i want to be in university now and meet a guy that i'll end up loving. Its almost as if its killing me inside, recently i've feel so lonely. I have friends, yes, but its not nearly the same. How long will i have to wait to atleast feel it once? its so rare to find a guy that is so confident with you that he'll sweep you off your feet unless if he's older. I dont want awkward relationships or just texting/social media. Will this take a long time to actually find a guy who will love me for who i am and will want to spend every second of his day with me as i would do the same? Is this even possible? I wont believe it until i've felt love, but really its all i want right now. Is this normal?

- Bolt - 04-08-2014 04:51 AM

uhh just wait and maybe a guy at school will like u, but anyways you seem to young.

- Angie - 04-08-2014 04:55 AM

I think you'll find your guy eventually. You're still young, you have your whole life ahead of you to find the right guy in your life. Stop worrying about it, he will come to your life when you last expect it. Smile

- Jona Rhen - 04-08-2014 05:04 AM

Don't rush things. It will come when you least expect it.. :-)