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I committed to buying an item on eBay and I don't want it anymore? - Printable Version

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I committed to buying an item on eBay and I don't want it anymore? - Adrian D - 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

I'm new to eBay so I thought you can delete items off your cart. My mom won't let me get the item anymore so will it ship without me paying for it or what, because I feel bad now. I tried contacting him but he lives in Japan and doesn't have an email. Or will ebay go into my account and transfer my money ? Plz help!!!

- Gigi K - 04-08-2014 04:53 AM

Message the seller and tell them you accidently clicked on it anf would like to cancel

- Mike - 04-08-2014 04:54 AM

Keep in mind that the seller had no obligation to free you of your promise to pay. EBay's policy is if you bid you are committing to buy.

- Charles Williams - 04-08-2014 05:02 AM

you should message to seller.

- AL M - 04-08-2014 05:10 AM

Usually sellers will not ship items that are not paid for. So most likely it will not be shipped.
Ebay sellers will have a way to be contacted, an email is required to create an account in both ebay and paypal.

Ebay will not take any money from you. Unless there is a proof the your received the item.

Seller might/will file an unpaid item against you. Your account will get a strike (bad record) and if you had too many, your account can get banned.