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Does he like me? How do I get his number? - Printable Version

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Does he like me? How do I get his number? - summerishere - 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

I don't know this kid very well but I think I would really like him if I got to know him more. I haven't heard a bad thing about him, and in general, he seems like a great guy! He's in one of my classes and we sit across (ish) from each other. (We don't have assigned seats so it kinda depends but usually we're across from each other) Today in the hallway, he looked at me as he was walking into his class and I was walking into mine and didn't break eye contact til he walked in the room. During our one class together, he was staring at me, almost creepily, except I was loving it because I had always wanted him to look at me the way I look at him. Lots of my friends say he likes me and his friends always shove him when I am around. He's kinda shy, and I don't have his number. He has no social media so I can't get it from there. How can I let him know I like him without actually telling him and how can I get his number? We don't really talk but I really want to change that.

- Wascally Wabbit - 04-08-2014 04:54 AM

Yes, he likes you. You can tell when he flirts and talks and won't stop looking at you.