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Which blog site is easy to use and free? - Printable Version

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Which blog site is easy to use and free? - Hello - 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

I heard of Blogger, Wordpress, and Tumblr. I dont want to use Blogger because I must have a google account and I dont want to. Wordpress has either .com or .org option, and I am confused as to which is better, especially with all the "domain" and other terms that I dont know what they mean. Tumblr i feel is too short and too picture-y...

I just want my future blog to be like a journal where I share my daily activities.

I'm open to any suggestion or advice!

- Becky - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

Tumblr isn't just for pictures, it's just become that way. In fact, you can blog plain text, video, audio, images, links, quotes and even chat (but I've never used that!) You can also choose how to present your blog with several different layouts, some more suited to writing than others, or if that's not enough, there are plenty that people create and put up for free on the internet which are very easily customisable. You can also choose the URL for your blog and change it as many times as you like if you decide it doesn't suit you (as long as the names you want have already been chosen).

If this persuasion towards Tumblr isn't sufficient, you could always just sign up and try it out - it is free to use. Also, under the settings on your 'dashboard' (homepage, where you can have several different blogs at the same time, by the way) you can very easily delete your account if you don't like it.

I hope this helps! My tumblr is if anyone feels like following Wink

- jsrdrnr - 04-08-2014 04:50 AM

I use wordpress now. I like the ease and layout of it better than blogger. I already have a gmail account so using blogger was no big deal at the time but the interface of wordpress, to me is just much much better than blogger.

You can also make money blogging if you want to. Make money while doing what you love. That is what I am doing now and it is using wordpress as its platform.

Check it out.

- Tommy - 04-08-2014 04:56 AM

Hello HeLLo,

Definitely WordPress. Since you already ruled out Blogger because you don't want a Google account. Then there is no competition, Wordpress is the best for blogs.

First of all, is the free blogging site. You can create an account with and your URL will be is the CMS that people use for their "Paid" websites. has more features and can use plugins to customize your website. However, is free and perfect if you want to use it as a journal. simply blog and post. Futhermore, compared to Tumblr, has tons and tons of themes for you to choose to customize your blog. is the most user friendly and easiest to use platform, imo.

Hope this will help you choose the blog to use.

- ? - 04-08-2014 05:00 AM

I agree that Wordpress is the best, it's easy, good formatting, easy access, great to navigate easily, and especially for beginners!!!! If writing is your passion, and you give insightful thoughts, have the time to invest with keeping your visitors happy by constantly posting more info, responding, and giving great advice or information...... Then Wordpress is for you!!! I have fun with it , and that's what the art of writing should be about!!! Money comes with experience and understanding why and what people will return to your blog for..... You gotta "wow" 'em!!!!!!!

- Social - 04-08-2014 05:08 AM

The downside to free sites is you dont really own your site. You own your content but at any day google could take your blog down for no reason at all. I just recently had my first one taken down. Thats why alot of people choose to do a self hosted wordpress blogl

- Samuel ken - 04-08-2014 05:10 AM

Blogger, Wordpress and Tumblr are all easy to use. But I love blogger because here you change everything. And another blog please try this: It’s also easy to use.

- Harrey Martin - 04-08-2014 05:12 AM

You can choose another blog site like and these two blogs are provide free and easy to use features!

- happycolors - 04-08-2014 05:20 AM

I use and I really like it. I think the layouts are nicer and the admin side is much more user friendly than Blogger. My blog is sort of like a journal and it's worked out well with Wordpress.