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how to get some traffic to my website? - Printable Version

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how to get some traffic to my website? - Ramin Kamal - 04-08-2014 04:46 AM

okay guys I am a student and made this site for other students to save money by buying, selling or trading their textbook stuff but since I am a student and don't have ton of money to spent on ads for the site, I was just wondering to know what is the best way to advertise with out spending ton of money because I did this website for experiment and currently its just cost money for me to just run it and I am not making anything on it. so please, any hints, tips is welcome. Thanks in advanced.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 04:55 AM

Search engines are still the big source of free traffic, unfortunately the top to sites in the search results get 90% of all search traffic (for a given search). Creating social site pages, like a Facebook business page and getting links from them are one measure to get visitors as well as improved search ranking.

This SEO authority has a tutorial series on SEO

Here's a Google on site SEO guide

Getting links from education and book related sites and articles would be a search rank plus, this tool helps you find blog pages and forums where you might leave a link along with a meaningful, useful comment.

- parsibawa1 - 04-08-2014 05:03 AM

Is the site hosted on your own domain? List it on Google. Send mailers to potential customers. Its confusing cause every site needs a different approach and you havent mentioned your site's link. If you like, send me the link on and then I can suggest you what to do.

Dont worry! I wont charge you anything. Smile

- immenserailway455 - 04-08-2014 05:05 AM

well at first place good and happy that you did for the student ... i would like to know few things from you... where are you from? and you developed website for various books which people are searching and they do not get ? or you build this website for second sell of books? you can put it on Facebook and many other social networking sites at first tell your friends to check whether site is working properly or no? if it is working spread it viral as you might be in college so that people would visit and keep updating their knowledge and then you can do is spread on social networking sites.

- Vek - 04-08-2014 05:15 AM

For something like this, my suggestion is that you could...
- talk to the webmasters of your school/institution's website to link to your website.
- see if you can your site mention in your yearbook.
- put it up on your social network page, and get all your contacts to spread the word (especially to other schools/institutions.

- Jason - 04-08-2014 05:21 AM

If your looking for super cheap website traffic then you can try a service like RoboHits. Otherwise, SEO and PPC are the way to go. SEO takes quite a bit of time and money if outsourced and PPC can cost a pretty penny.

- Joenie - 04-08-2014 05:31 AM

You can check on and also check traffic exchanges! The last one are completely free and you get tons of traffic.

- Johny - 04-08-2014 05:36 AM

You can do social media marketing (SMM) on social networkng sites like facebook, twitter, google+ a good and unique content is required to get more traffic toward your website.

- Mike S - 04-08-2014 05:45 AM

Use these Free Websites instead.........

Or you can use and put the same information on it as you would a website...and you'll get better rankings and more traffice cause it's a Google's mine for example.

- Shura - 04-08-2014 05:48 AM

Hi Friends, Pls Try konstantin after Its one the Best SEO Service Before I Used. Thank U. They Will answer u for all SEO Based Question.