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Have you ever heard of the company "Supermedia"? - Printable Version

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Have you ever heard of the company "Supermedia"? - Anna - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

if you have, what do you think about it

- ??? - 04-08-2014 04:48 AM

Never heard of it.

- Doug - 04-08-2014 04:51 AM

SuperMedia grew out of the idea of having online equivalent of the 'Yellow Pages' phone book. I'm not sure how local they are, but I've head of them and I've had calls from them for advertising for years. I'm in the US - Maine. This might help:
Doug @skibility

- Jhon - 04-08-2014 04:56 AM

Sorry Anna i never heard about this....will check it now

- Virginia - 04-08-2014 05:02 AM

SuperMedia is what remains of Verizon Yellowpages. Verizon spun its yellowpages brand off with 9 billion in debt (all cash) and after 2 years (and a tremendous amount of executive compensation) the new company, partially owned by the Paulson Hedge Fund, Idearc Media went bankrupt. The company then went bankrupt again two years later as SuperMedia. It has now merged with a solar company that did the same Dex Media. I blogged about the company on a few years ago. I feel like all the events were preplanned and extremely crony.