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Is there a way for Yahoo to blog Google ads when the search queries are found located through Yahoo.? - Printable Version

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Is there a way for Yahoo to blog Google ads when the search queries are found located through Yahoo.? - Captcha Failed - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

Is there anyway for Yahoo to block Google advertisements from appearing on site found using the Yahoo search engine?
Or is there a rule that could require Google to pay for any sites that Yahoo search finds that result in a click on the Google ad?

I like Google but it is just too big. Way to big, and influential, in the internet world.

Unless there is a legal reason, I think Yahoo (and Bing) should work to reduce Google control over the environment of the WWW.
I should have proof read this better. sorry for the poor sentence structure and wording.
Great answer Jake, but don't SEs already place a preference of some sites over others by tweaking their SERP algorithms. They decide which website gets the traffic through them. Google had some kind of problem with this in Europe because they gave sites they owned better SERP placement.
If they decide to give .gov and .edu domains better placement doesn't that also create an unfair trade practice against other websites owners. Or can a third party (Search Engines (SEs)) be charged with Unfair Trade Practices where it does not profit. .gov and most .edu don't allow advertising

What I know is if the SEs like you, you will get traffic and money/fame/etc., if they don't like you you will not get far, if anywhere at all.

Somehow we must find a way to make Yahoo and Bing competitive with Google. Then Google won't be able to do anything it wants. Users can go somewhere else.

You have great answers Jake, tells us what you know about all of this.

- Jake - 04-08-2014 04:56 AM

No the search engines have no real control over site content, any discrimination in result delivery can be harmful to a search engine's reputation, if such competitive censorship was used Google might do more harm to Yahoo's business.

Google ads participates in the self regulating Adchoice system, you can click the little triangle and opt out of the ad or the network displaying it, one ad at a time.