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Isn't privacy on Facebook really an illusion? - Printable Version

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Isn't privacy on Facebook really an illusion? - Dr. SC1ence - 04-08-2014 04:47 AM

--FIRST, thanks to the leaker Edward Snowden, we know that the U.S. gov't sees and collects all the activity on Facebook, Google, and so on.

--SECOND, why trust Facebook to abide by its own rules? We are using Facebook for free. Facebook makes its money by selling information to other companies. Greed always overrules morality sooner or later.

--THIRD, clever people are always finding "cracks" and "loopholes" and "workarounds" in Facebook security and privacy.

SO, I think this: Whatever you write or post or do on Facebook, you really should assume will sooner or later be available to your current employer, future employers, your customers/clients, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your spouse, your children, your parents, the government, and the whole world. Agree or disgree?

- Hadi - 04-08-2014 04:54 AM

Congratulations. You have just reached a level of intelligence I didn't think existed in Yahoo Answers except very slightly Tongue
Anyways, there is no such thing as privacy nowadays. Those dollars or even cents at a time you are losing from your bank account are the Illuminati collecting moolah ($) and prepping for war.
Nothing we can do about it. We can just pray that, well, we get killed first...

Anyways.. to answer your question, no, there is no such thing as privacy on facebook, twitter, google+, MSN Messenger (when it existed Tongue) or any thing, any where, at any given time.
Big brother is watching us, be it in the US, Canada, other 1st world countries, or what we call 3rd world countries. The inevitable is near though.

Sorry I get sidetracked so much

- Rose - 04-08-2014 05:03 AM

I totally agree, I have never got hacked but I always feel unsure about the privacy. Not only on Facebook but on all other sights is the forgot password option. You just need to know the email info to get in! It's insane.

- . - 04-08-2014 05:12 AM

Duh. Same is true of actually everything you do now that our world is full of technology that can track and cameras that record every where. There is no privacy. At all. imo, you shouldnt be on the computer at all if you dont get that. And i am going to assume you are a young person if you are just figureing that out.

And yes, where ever you are, you should always be thinking about the fact that there is a potential for future employers and other influential people will see or hear what it is you have done today, either on the internet or real life.