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How to attract people to my internet store without banners and SEO and so on? Maybe gorilla marketing? - Printable Version

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How to attract people to my internet store without banners and SEO and so on? Maybe gorilla marketing? - Mardza L - 10-15-2012 08:31 PM


I have internet store but I am thinking how to attract people to my store (office goods), I will have a banner, gift program an so on, but I stat thinking what else I can do to attract people in such internet portals like facebook, blogs, forums? Maybe you have some experience to do that? I was reading some articles about gorilla marketing in the internet (not tradional ways to reach a customers) maybe you know some ideas about that!


- 4real11 - 10-15-2012 08:40 PM


- stcajo2009 - 10-15-2012 08:40 PM

Well first off everything you do helps in your SEO. There are tons of ways to get traffic free and paid. Articles, exchanges, reviews, testimonials and thats just a few.

Getting traffic isnt an overnight thing but something you need to work on consistently in order to achieve success.

Why dont you send me a link to your site so I could help you set up a traffic plan. Just remember if you are looking to make money on the internet you need to be consitant and be in it long term.

Dale Mazurek

- shecking - 10-15-2012 08:40 PM

If you have a video camera, and know how to upload web videos to sites like youtube, you could shoot some short creative videos around your products. Brainstorm around some solid ideas until something sticks. The more creative and "out there" the better. This approach is very effective in creating what is called "link bait". Link bait is a form of internet gorilla / viral marketing. People review and comment on your videos, then link to or share with their friends. If done well this will build links back to your web site promoting your store and improving your search engine ranking. Not only is this effective, but can be done for little cost. (other than owning a camera and computer)